Rated capacity limiter system OGM240

hydraulic and lattice boom cranestower cranesbridge cranes

  • graphical LCD — all base parameters indications on display
  • easy calibration procedure — for accurate weight setting needs single reference load
  • built-in cutout relays no external relays are necessary
  • internal datalogger
  • transfer datalogger and setup data by the Secure Digital card


The rated capacity limiter system OGM240 was designed for mobile hydraulic and lattice boom cranes.

OGM240 system is intended to aid the crane operator in efficient crane operation by monitoring the load and warning of an approach to an overload and other conditions.


  • Rated Capacity Limiter
  • OGM240 generates signals for switching off hoisting mechanisms, which decrease crane stability when weight of load is over normative.
  • Limits of the crane movements
  • The system blocks crane mechanisms automatically:
    • hook lifting winch at uppermost (anti two-block system) and lowermost (last wirerope wrap) positions;
    • luffing at stroke positions;
    • boom movements when AC field detector is on.
  • Monitoring load and geometry variables of crane
  • Operator console indicates:
    • load variables — actual load, maximum permitted capacity for current radius and percentage of rated capacity;
    • geometry variables — radius, boom length (for telescopic boom cranes), height of the boom head;
    • date and current time.
  • Boundary and zone protection
  • Boundary and zone protection intended for protection crane from collisions with fixed obstacles.

    OGM240 has three types of boundary and zone protection:

    • limitation of boom head height;
    • limitation of radius by line with at any angle;
    • limitation of boom rotation angles.
  • Datalogger
  • The internal datalogger records geometry and load variables and states of inputs and outputs into nonvolatile memory. The datalogger memory includes three parts for short-time, long-time data and infromation about crane overload.

    The short-time, long-time and crane overload data consist of recordset. One record has a next fields:

    • recording time and date;
    • actual load;
    • maximum permitted capacity;
    • percentage of rated capacity;
    • angle of the main boom;
    • radius of the load;
    • length of the main boom (for telescopic boom cranes);
    • height of the boom head;
    • rotation angle of the slewing crane;
    • crane configuration;
    • information about crane overloads;
    • states of inputs and outputs;
    • time moments when limiter is positive locking.

    The long-term storage data consist of:

    • hour meter;
    • total quantity of working cycles;
    • load statistics;
    • crane characteristic number;
    • serial numbers of crane and rated capacity limiter system;
    • date of mounting.
  • Monitoring parameters of crane engine and hydraulics
  • Operator console indicates:
    • engine oil pressure;
    • engine coolant temperature;
    • hydraulics oil pressures (in 3 points);
    • hydraulics oil temperature.
  • Control of crane and crane's truck electrics
  • The system generates next commands for:
    • solenoids of crane motions;
    • electromagnet of winch accelerated motion ;
    • marker lamp of the boom head;
    • headlamps;
    • cooling fan of hydraulics oil temperature.

Each type of mobile cranes has their version of OGM240 system. OGM240 versions have different package contents, sensors, displays, software and supply voltage.

The system conforms to safety requirements of Rostekhnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical and Atomic Supervision).

OGM240 has permit of Promatomnadzor (Belarussian State Committee for Supervising Industrial and Nuclear Safety)
and certificates of russian (GOST R) and ukrainian (UkrSEPRO) national certification systems.

OGM240 for hydraulic and lattice boom cranes datasheet
PDF, 1,2 MB
OGM (rated capacity limiter system)
PDF, 1,2 MB

  • compact and ergonomic operator console
  • easy calibration procedure
  • built-in cutout relays no external relays are necessary
  • separate power supply for upper and lower groups of sensors
  • internal datalogger
  • transfer datalogger and setup data by the Secure Digital card


The OGM240-40 and OGM240-41 versions of rated capacity limiter system OGM240 was designed for tower cranes.

OGM240 system is intended to aid the crane operator in efficient crane operation by monitoring the load and warning of an approach to an overload and other conditions.

  • Rated Capacity Limiter
  • OGM240 generates signals for switching off hoisting mechanisms, which decrease crane stability when weight of load is over normative.
  • Limits of the crane movements
  • The system blocks crane mechanisms automatically:
    • hook lifting winch at uppermost (anti two-block system) and lowermost (last wirerope wrap) positions;
    • luffing at stroke positions of load trolley;
    • boom movements when boom angle is over normative;
    • crane movements at start and end of railtrack.
  • Boundary and zone protection
  • Boundary and zone protection intended for protection crane from collisions with fixed obstacles.

    OGM240 has next types of boundary and zone protection:

    • «Wall» — protection of boom and hook (up to 40 points of polyline);
    • «Area–1» and «Area–2» — limitation of hook position;
    • «Left Turn» and «Right Turn» — limitation of boom rotation angles;
    • «Radius» — limitation of radius;
    • Maximum Height  Minimum Height — limitation maximum and minimum height of hook.

  • Monitoring load and geometry variables of crane
  • Operator console indicates:
    • geometry variables: radius, hook height, rotation angle of boom, crane position on railtrack and wind speed;
    • load variables: actual load, maximum permitted capacity for current radius and percentage of rated capacity;
    • date and current time;
    • sensors's values.
  • Datalogger
  • The internal datalogger records geometry and load variables and states of inputs and outputs into nonvolatile memory. The datalogger memory includes three parts for short-time, long-time data and infromation about crane overload.

    The short-time, long-time and crane overload data consist of recordset. One short-time record has a next fields:

    • recording time and date;
    • actual load;
    • maximum permitted capacity;
    • percentage of rated capacity;
    • geometry crane variables (radius, rotation angle of the boom, hook height and etc.);
    • crane configuration
    • information about crane overloads;
    • states of inputs and outputs;
    • time moments when limiter is positive locking.

    The long-term storage data consist of:

    • hour meter;
    • total quantity of working cycles;
    • crane parameters: type and parameters of boom, maximum and minimum values of height, radius, railtrack position and rotation angle of slewing crane;
    • parameters of boundary and zone protection.
    • serial numbers of crane and rated capacity limiter system.
    Datalogger conforms to RD 10-399-01 requirements of Rostekhnadzor.

Each type of tower cranes has their version of OGM240 system. OGM240 versions have different package contents, sensors, displays and software.

The system conforms to safety requirements of Rostekhnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical and Atomic Supervision).

OGM240 has permit of Promatomnadzor (Belarussian State Committee for Supervising Industrial and Nuclear Safety)
and certificates of russian (GOST R) and ukrainian (UkrSEPRO) national certification systems.

Applications example

OGM240-40 in cabin of KB-403 crane

OGM240 for tower cranes datasheet
PDF, 2,9 MB

  • compact and ergonomic operator console
  • antijam digital communication for connection to sensors
  • ease of erection and settings of device from the crane
  • transfer datalogger real time clock-faced
  • transfer datalogger data by the Secure Digital card
  • use on crane with hook, grab bucke, crossbeam, electromagnet and spreader


The rated capacity limiter system OGM240 for bridge cranes was designed to protect screen from overloading, strong gusts and also to record data of the screen work in real time.

  • Rated Capacity Limiter
  • The system forms a crane mechanism-off signal at hoisting of the load, the weight of which exceeds the nominal carrying capacity for more than 25% for each hoist.
  • Measurement and displaying settings of crane work
    • lading weight on the load-handling device for both winch;
    • nameplate load rating;
    • double load-handling device capacity;
    • wind speed (in the event that wind speed sensors in delivery set);
    • real time and date;
    • magnitude of sensors output signal.
  • Datalogger
  • The internal datalogger records geometry and load variables and states of inputs and outputs into nonvolatile memory. The datalogger memory includes three parts for short-time, long-time data and infromation about crane overload.

    The short-time, long-time and crane overload data consist of recordset. One short-time record has a next fields:
    • running machine hours of the crane;
    • running machine hours separately for both winches;
    • running machine hours crane for travel mechanism;
    • running machine hours for travel mechanism of the load trolley;
    • cycle index singly for each winch;
    • lading weight a load for each winch;
    • the crane work mode, loading mode, utilization class, load distribution factor and crane characteristic numbers.
    Datalogger conforms to RD 10-399-01 requirements of Rostekhnadzor.

Front panel of OGM240-50

The system conforms to safety requirements of Rostekhnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technical and Atomic Supervision).
OGM240 has permit of Promatomnadzor (Belarussian State Committee for Supervising Industrial and Nuclear Safety)
and certificates of russian (GOST R) and ukrainian (UkrSEPRO) national certification systems.

OGM240 for bridge cranes datasheet
PDF, 500 KB

Phone/fax: +7 (351) 731-30-00, 222-47-77
Nakhiimova st., 19p, Chelyabinsk, 454119, Russian federation