Quality Management System

Rezonans became the first manufacturer of control systems and LMIs in Russia to be registered under the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) standard.

ISO 9001:2000 Certificate

Quality policy

As a specialist in electronics car parts and control systems for building machinery and utility vehicles, Rezonans increases its role and influence on the market. Our aims are:

  1. To determine technical policy and to stay world leader in modern electronic car parts and control systems.
  2. To develop producing of microprocessor automatic control systems, intelligent and safe control and visualization systems.
  3. To provide with high level of quality of our products and our service.
  4. To improve technical level of equipment and also scientific, engineer and administrative resourse for successful development of perspective ideas.
  5. To support the atmosphere of understanding and communication throughout the company.
  6. To develop our relationships with suppliers and customers, which are based on highly bureaucratic standards require and even goes much further.
  7. To improve management of each department constantly.

I am responsible for realizing of company's quality policy and wait for understanding and active efforts from our team.

Director Sign Vlad Korovin,

April 23, 2003

Phone/fax: +7 (351) 731-30-00, 222-47-77
Nakhiimova st., 19p, Chelyabinsk, 454119, Russian federation